The numbers of lambs coming forward to the country’s sheep marts are starting to slip, according to mart managers.
However, despite the reduction in numbers the trade for all classes of lambs remains strong with butchers and factory lambs trading from €1.96-2.23/kg and €2.04-2.20/kg respectively.
The store lamb trade also remains buoyant with strong farmer demand for these lots which sold from €2.03-2.58/kg, while mountain types sold from €1.73-1.97/kg.
Cast ewes also remain in strong demand with the hammer falling on factory fit lots from €85-122/head, feeder types generally sold from €55-75/head.
The numbers of lambs coming forward in New Ross Mart are starting to dry up, according to the Mart Manager Richard Kirwan.
According to Kirwan, despite the reduction in numbers there was a very lively trade for store lambs on Saturday, with these lots making €2.03-2.58/kg or €42-56 over.
There has been no real change in the trade for the heavier butcher and factory type lambs and these lots traded from €2.10-2.23/kg and €2.04-2.20/kg respectively, he said.
The Mart Manager added that the trade for cast ewes also remained good, the better quality factory lots made from €100-122 while the feeding type ewes sold from €70-97 each.
The trade for the 180 lots on offer in Dowra Mart remained similar to previous weeks, according to the Mart Manager Terry McGovern.
Further to the good trade recorded over the previous weeks, McGovern added that the trade for store lambs remained strong on Friday, but the quality of these lots were starting to slip.
According to McGovern, the lighter store lambs traded from €55-77, while the better quality heavier sheep made from €84-85/head.
The Mart Manager added that there were very few factory and butcher lots on offer and these lots generally sold from €90-100.
There was also a good trade for cast ewes, he added, with the feeding type mountain ewes selling from €45-60 while the factory fit cull ewes made €80-105/head.
The numbers of lambs coming forward are starting to slip in Kenmare Mart, according to the Mart Manager Dan McCarthy.
According to McCarthy, there was a smaller sale of sheep on Monday with 1,422 sheep passing through the ring, but the trade remained good for all classes.
Despite the reduced numbers the trade remains lively for store lambs, he added, with the Scotch ram and wether lambs trading from €1.73-1.97/kg, the better quality lowland lots weighing 30-35kg made €2.06-2.26/kg.
McCarthy added that there was a buoyant trade for light ewe lambs (25-30kg) and the hammer fell on these lots from €2.13-2.52/kg.
Feeder type cast ewes also went well and these lots sold from €55-75/head or €1.00-1.08/kg, said McCarthy.
The overall sheep trade had improved in Fermoy Mart on Monday, according to the Mart Manager Sean Leahy, lambs in the Co. Cork venue had improved by €3-4/head.
According to the Mart Manager, the trade for butcher and factory type lambs remains strong and these lots made €1.96-2.10/kg and €2.09-2.13/kg respectively, despite uncertainty facing the prices of these lots in factories.
The store lambs were also tighter in supply, he added, but good farmer demand ensured that these lambs traded from €2.10-2.19/kg, he said.
The Mart Manager added that cast ewes had also improved slightly on previous weeks, mainly as a result of reduced numbers on offer.
The best of these lots made €85-122 while the lighter feeding lots traded from €55-75 each.