Sheep throughput to factories for the week ending August 30, 2015 was back 937 head (2%) of the corresponding week in 2014, latest data from the Department of Agriculture shows.
The national sheep kill up as of August 30, 2015 stands at 1,623,611 and so far this year, 12,375 ahead of last year.
Spring lamb throughput this year is ahead of the same time last year. Some 53,912 spring lambs went through Irish factories for the week ending August 30.
This is 7% ahead of the throughput at the same time last year which stood at 50,489.
The number of lambs/hoggets continues to remain down on last year. Cumulatively, there was a throughput of 638,157 this year, compared to the 665,614 that were slaughtered at the same time in 2014.
No light lambs were slaughtered last week, this was down 100% on the same week last year when there was a throughput of 67.
In the ewes/rams category, there has been 11% decline year-on-year with 9,108 ewes and rams going through factories last year while 10,237 went through at the corresponding week last year.
Cumulatively, comparing total throughputs so far for 2014 and 2015, there has been a 14% (29,655 head) decline.
Strengthening factory prices have held a firm base under the country’s sheep trade.
At present factory and butcher lambs are still making €1.90-2.08/kg while the demand for store lambs is ever present with lots freely making €2/kg.