The IFA’s latest sheep trade update states that lamb prices are holding at the €6.00/6.10 with some live export buying at marts.

The sheep trade remained strong in recent weeks as stable demand coupled with tight supply continues to drive price. Bord Bia’s latest update says trade in our key exports markets remains steady with tight supplies in the UK helping trade.

Supplies for the week ending March 29 stood at around 43,564 head which similar to last week but continues to be up significantly on the corresponding period in 2013. Cumulative supplies are back 13% to around 863,345 head.

In the UK, Bord Bia report trade showed little change with supplies remaining relatively tight. The new season SQQ live price for lambs in England and Wales was making the equivalent of around €5.78/kg DW by mid-week.

In France, the market was stable although steady volumes of Lacaune lambs and heavy Spanish lamb add some more competition to the market. Irish Grade 1 lamb was making around €6.10/kg (inclusive of VAT).