With a 13-year-old boy stopped by Northern police for driving a tractor under the legal age limit it’s important to remind farmers of the legal position of children driving tractors here in the Republic.
According to Teagasc Health and Safety Officer John McNamara, the age at which children should first be allowed to drive a tractor has been debated numerous times at official level.
He said from a farmer’s point of view the current age limits are fair and many might say they are too strict.
However, he said people from a non-farming background are very concerned about the age limits.
McNamara said Teagasc is encouraging farmers to read the code of practiceĀ on Preventing Accidents to Children and Young Persons in Agriculture.
“Farmers should read this in its entirety and work together with their children to ensure safe operation of machinery,” he said.
Driving tractors on the farm
Children under the age of 14 must not be allowed toĀ drive or operate tractors or mechanically propelledĀ machines such as teleporters, jeeps, ATVs etc.
In addition to this, a child or young person aged 14 orĀ over should only be permitted to drive a tractor orĀ mechanically propelled machine on the farm, if:
- They have attended a formal training course runĀ by a competent training provider, and haveĀ received adequate instruction in the safeĀ operation of the particular tractor orĀ mechanically propelled machine they are drivingĀ and fully understand the purpose of all theĀ controls and the effect of their improper use;
- They are closely supervised by a responsible adult;
- They have the ability to operate the controls withĀ ease;
- All the controls are conveniently accessible forĀ safe operation by the operator when seated in theĀ driverās seat;
- The controls which operate the power take offĀ (PTO) devices, hydraulic devices and engineĀ cut-off are clearly marked to show the effect ofĀ their operation;
- The tractor or mechanically propelled machine isĀ maintained so that it is safe for them to operate;
- The ground over which the tractor orĀ mechanically propelled machine is driven is freeĀ from hazards such as steep slopes orĀ excavations, river banks, lake or pond edges,Ā deep ditches and similar areas.
You must also ensure that:
- No other child or young person is present on theĀ tractor or mechanically propelled machine;
- Other than for the purposes of supervision orĀ instruction, no other person is on any trailer orĀ other equipment being towed;
- In relation to ATVās that you consider theĀ manufacturers minimum age recommendations;
- No other person is in the immediate vicinity.
Driving on the Road
To drive a tractor you must have a category W licence, according to the Road Safety Authority (RSA).
The minimum age at which youĀ may apply for a category W licence is 16.
Furthermore the RSA says any vehicle used in a public place must be covered by third party insurance as requiredĀ by legislation.
A public place includes the public roads, a mart and a factory yard.
ThirdĀ party insurance cover is also required on all trailers even where the trailer is not beingĀ drawn by a tractor, it says.
When did you start driving tractors?
Following this case coming to light Agriland has decided to find out when Irish farmers first start driving tractors.
It’s a commonly held view in the farming community that farmers sons and daughters start driving at a young age.
A straw poll in the Agriland office found ages ranging between 7-16 for a first tractor drive.
Most farmers remember vividly the first time they took control in the cab for the first time usually as a result of incessant nagging for the weeks, months if not years precededing the event.
When did you start: