The IFA has announced details of its new top post, that of Director General, in the first move to fill the role left vacant by Pat Smith last year.
Smith resigned as General Secretary last year in November, when the organisation came under pressure to reveal his pay. It was later revealed, in the Con Lucey report, to be over €500,000 in three separate years.
The Lucey report recommended at the time that the IFA split the role of General Secretary into two – that of General Secretary and another of Chief Executive.
Now the IFA has advertised to fill the role of Director General, the equivalent of Chief Executive, but it does not carry details of the remuneration to go with the post. Nor does the advertisement carry a closing date.
The change of title suggests that the IFA is breaking the former role of General Secretary into two, with the appointment of a Director General the first step towards that.
Business advisors KPMG are handling the process for the IFA and the ad states that the Director General will report to the President and have full responsibility for the efficient and effective day to day running of the operations of the IFA.
It goes on to say that they will play a key role in the formulation of policy and the development of strategy.
At least 10 years’ senior management experience within the agribusiness or related sectors, is required, as well as “excellent negotiation and communication skills”. It goes on to say that the successful candidate will be a people-oriented individual with well developed interpersonal skills.