The national council of the Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) has agreed “in principle” to the farm organisation partaking in an initiative to improve public perception of agriculture in Ireland.
Project Connect is the working title for a proposed project which would bring together the whole agri-food sector, enabling us to work better together to improve public perception of agriculture in Ireland.
According to a briefing document presented to IFA national council members this week, the goal of the project is “to unify the sector and bring together expertise, knowledge and resources” in order to “communicate more effectively with the public”.
While Bord Bia is helping to co-ordinate the initiative and support its commencement, the document states that the project “is to be sector-owned and led by senior leadership from across the sector”.
Research carried out in late 2023 found that 55% of the Irish public declared themselves as having no connection to farming.
The same study, showed that 45% of the public believed Ireland should cut our agri-food exports to achieve our environmental targets.
The IFA document notes that with this “decline in connection” to agriculture poses an increased risk to the “social licence” to farm and export.
The document notes that Agri Aware have helped to slow the rate of decline in knowledge through their valuable work in schools.
“However, as the challenge and conditions continue to mount, a far greater consolidated effort is required to cut through the noise,” it stated.
“There is a need to establish clearer communication pathways to inform the public about the contribution and impact Irish agriculture has on the economy, the environment and global food security,” the document adds.
Project Connect
Working with established agencies and partners, the initiative wants to invest in five key areas: a centre of insight; crafting impactful messaging; training and advocacy; awareness and campaigns and education.
It is proposed that Project Connect will have a governance group, with representatives from across the sector, which will approve and monitor a programme of work.
This programme will be recommended by a steering group of communications, public relations, and experts from across the membership.
The IFA National Council heard that the ambition is to accumulate over €4 million per annum from members to support the activities of the project.
Membership will span primary production, processing, and representative and support organisations initially across dairy, meat, horticulture and tillage.
The council agreed in principle to the IFA taking up a position on the governance group and provide expertise into its steering group, and any other technical groups as appropriate.
However, it is understood that the council said that some issues will still need to be “ironed out” for the initiative, which is at tentative early stages at present.