The hogget trade at marts last week was steady, with supplies remaining relatively small.

The trade was impacted differently across the country, depending on the mart and the supply of spring lambs available.

While most mart managers speaking to Agriland described a largely steady trade, as mentioned, some noted an easing in prices and others saw an increase.

The trade at marts for hoggets is also being dictated by the quality of hoggets on offer, with quality becoming more variable as the weeks progress.

Many hoggets on show at marts are consisting of hogget ewes with both heavy and lighter types on offer.


Prices exceeded the €170/head mark at marts last week, but were confined to hoggets exceeding 60kg, in general.

Hoggets weighing within the 50-59kg weight bracket and even 60kg-plus lots remained largely steady on the week before, with prices ranging from €150-155/head up to €165-168/head. Top-quality hoggets in this weight bracket hit €170/head on occasion.

Hoggets in the 46-49kg weight range, which are few and far between at marts, that possess good flesh cover are pushing prices over €160/head and have been selling back to €145-148/head.

Prices for store hoggets over 40kg have been ranging from €110-145/head in general, with quality and flesh cover determining the prices paid out.

Lighter stores, mainly consisting of hill-bred hogget ewes, are starting from a base of €75-80/head for 30kg-plus lots.