Glanbia has posted out partially prepopulated voluntary milk production reduction scheme application forms to each of its 4,500 producer suppliers.

“These should be arriving with farmers today, if they haven’t done so already,” a spokesperson for the co-op confirmed.

“We have prepopulated specific sections of the form on individuals’ behalf. The specific volume of milk supplied by each individual farmer in 2015 is referenced.”

But Glanbia is leaving each individual farmer to make up his or her mind as to whether or not they should actually apply for the reduction scheme.

“Our farm development officers are available to speak with individual producers, should advice be needed on this matter,” the co-op’s spokesperson confirmed.

“And the relevant contact numbers have been included in the literature sent out in the post this week.

“Producers with liquid or winter milk contracts should pay particular attention to the details of the scheme. And they will particularly benefit from a chat with their farm development officer.

“At the end of the day, the decision made by each farmer will be a balancing act, which takes account of the milk volumes that could be produced this winter, the prevailing milk price, the higher constituents in late lactation milk and cash flow considerations.

“The reduction scheme monies will not be paid out until March or April of next year.”

Glanbia is also flagging up the issue of farmers who supply more than one processor, so-called “dual” suppliers.

“Producers falling into this category must submit an application form relevant to each dairy,” said the Glanbia representative.

“And the supply volume referenced for each processor must be totally accurate. There is absolutely no wiggle room, where this matter is concerned.

“The closing date is next Thursday. Glanbia will deliver all forms received in time to the Department of Agriculture.”