The third tranche of GLAS is to open for applications this week and the Department of Agriculture has published the details of tranche three.
Actions available in tranche three remain the same as those under tranche two with just a small number of adjustments made.
Certain actions under tier three of GLAS remain suspended for tranche three; the planting of new hedgerows and traditional orchards (these were also suspended under tranche two).
Under farmland birds, there is an action called ‘nesting and foraging option for breeding twite’ included.
The aim of this option is to maintain existing nesting and foraging areas for twite during the breeding season that occur on moorland-type farmland habitats (typically characterised by being extensively-grazed dry siliceous heath, often with areas of dense bracken).
Speaking at the launch of the third tranche of GLAS, the Minister for Agriculture, Michael Creed, said that GLAS is a target-driven environmental scheme and from tranche-to-tranche we are required to adjust the menu of options available to ensure we meet the targets set for the full programme period.
“Our top priority remains to attract farmers with Tier One Environmental Assets, like endangered birds, Natura habitat, commonage land and high-status watercourses.
“Farmers are urged to present the highest standard environmental plans under GLAS 3 and to adopt actions that would promote them from tier three to a higher tier to increase their chance of selection into the scheme.”
The terms and conditions for the third tranche of GLAS, along with the detailed specification for tranche three actions are available on the Department’s website.