According to DairyCo, the July EU weighted average milk price stood at €37.23/100kg (30.40ppl), down €0.39/100kg (1.0%) on the previous month. Compared with the previous year, the weighted average EU price for July was up €0.92/100kg (2.5%), however, this was a decrease on the year of 1.80ppl.
The average UK farmgate price in July stood at €38.93/100kg, which was the sixth highest price of any nation in the EU15 after Finland, Greece, Denmark, Italy and Netherlands. This was up from being the tenth highest in May 2014.
The EU15 weighted average price stood at €38.04/100kg (31.09ppl) in July, €0.40/100kg (1.0%) down on June, but was€0.89/100kg (2.4%) higher than the July 2013 average.
Looking at the top-five milk producing countries for this month (Germany, France, UK, Netherlands and Poland), the average July price was €36.85/100kg which was a €0.45/100kg (1.2%) decrease compared with the previous month.
From a production point of view, June of this year saw EU-28 milk deliveries to dairies standing at 12,731 thousand tonnes (equivalent to 12,364 litres). Compared with the previous year, this is an increase of 505 thousand tonnes (4.1%) – equivalent to 490.9m litres.
Comparisons between years showed that of the EU-28 member states, 25 showed an increase in deliveries (in thousand tonnes) between June 2013 and June 2014, while 2 member states showed a decrease.
The five largest milk producing members in June 2014 (Germany, France, UK, Netherlands and Poland) produced a combined figure of 7999.4 thousand tonnes (7,768.7m litres) which was 342 thousand tonnes (4.5%) more than the previous year equivalent to 332 million litres.
Romania showed the largest year on year increase in percentage terms with June 2014 deliveries at 101 thousand tonnes – an increase of 15.2 thousand tonnes (17.7%).