Agri Politics
Green Party agri spokesperson elected to Seanad
The Green Party spokesperson for agriculture, Pippa Hackett, has been elected to the Seanad. Commenting earlier today, Friday, November 1,...
Agri Politics
The Green Party spokesperson for agriculture, Pippa Hackett, has been elected to the Seanad. Commenting earlier today, Friday, November 1,...
Agri Politics
Co. Armagh farmer Ian Marshall has been elected to the Irish Seanad in today’s by-election. Markethill man Marshall was put...
Monitoring is a thing of the past – today, it’s all about preventive health management. With precise measurements of key...
Agri Politics
Ian Marshall, former president of the Ulster Farmers’ Union, says he is “honoured” to be considered for a seat in Seanad...
Rural Life
A greater effort is needed by the government to help promote farm safety across the country, according to Fianna Fail’s...
The Seanad report on Brexit has proposed that a free trade agreement, for “vulnerable sectors” like agriculture, should be considered...
A total of 27 wild fires were recorded by the Irish Wildlife Trust (IWT) during the bird nesting season in...