First forage maize crops of 2021 to be planted shortly
Planting of forage maize crops should get underway in sheltered parts of the south east over the coming days, according...
Planting of forage maize crops should get underway in sheltered parts of the south east over the coming days, according...
The key to improving utilisation of a forage crop is to choose the correct crop for your farm and farming...
Forage crops sown after cereals can be extremely beneficial in years where there is a fodder deficit on farms. Completing...
If you’re growing maize for another farmer, make sure you have a contract in place first. It is also wise...
There are plenty of forage crops planted across the country for grazing. Those sown early are coming near the stage...
This time last year, farmers were busy deciding which cover crops to plant. Many were opting for forage crops to...
Many farmers across the country experienced poor grass growth this summer – due to drought conditions – meaning that silage...
19,400ha of forage crops have been planted under the Fodder Production Incentive Measure for tillage farmers. Many more crops have...
CAP / Schemes
At least €480,000 will go unspent under the Fodder Production Incentive Measure launched at the beginning of August. A total...
After the summer that’s just been, many farmers have grown and will graze forage crops for the first time this...
CAP / Schemes
There is still time to sow forage crops under the ‘Fodder Production Incentive Measure for Tillage Farmers 2018’. Under the...
Tillage farmers may have a big part to play in reducing the fodder deficit this winter by sowing forage crops...
“There is a critical need for extra fodder” – those were the words of Mark Browne, the IFA (Irish Farmers’ Association)...
As the harvest hits its peak, AgriLand wants to know how farmers are getting on in the fields. Harvest was in...
Over the past number of weeks AgriLand has provided readers with advice on what forage crops to sow and best...
Forage crops can provide large amounts of bulk, whether these crops are brassicas or grasses. However, fertiliser needs to be...
Westerwold ryegrass and Italian ryegrass are the buzz words in Irish farming at present. The forage crops are known for vigorous...
Forage crops need to be sown into the drier and better soils on your farm. That was the main message...