CAP / Schemes
Farm Improvement Plan extension announced
Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Michael Creed has announced an extension to the deadline for submission of data...
CAP / Schemes
Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Michael Creed has announced an extension to the deadline for submission of data...
CAP / Schemes
There is just one week left to submit Farm Improvement Plans (FIPs) under the Knowledge Transfer (KT) Programme. Originally the...
CAP / Schemes
As it stands, approximately 11,200 Farm Improvement Plans (FIPs) have been completed and submitted across all six sectors of the Knowledge...
CAP / Schemes
The IFA has reportedly received confirmation from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine that Knowledge Transfer (KT) payments...
CAP / Schemes
Close to 85% of Knowledge Transfer (KT) Programme participants have yet to complete their Farm Improvement Plans (FIPs) with the...