Agri Health
AHWNI warns herd owners to follow biosecurity guidance
Biosecurity involves taking steps to prevent the introduction and spread of infectious disease. This is a responsibility for every exhibitor...
Agri Health
Biosecurity involves taking steps to prevent the introduction and spread of infectious disease. This is a responsibility for every exhibitor...
A calf born with two heads in the United States was a one-in-400-million type of birth, her owners have said....
Rural Life
A ‘Donate a Calf’ initiative is being held to raise funds for Rathgormack Clonea Comeragh Amentity Area Committee so that...
A Co. Mayo farmer who had assumed his cow was having twins, was in for a shock when she gave...
Rural Life
Among the many events set to take place at Clonmany Agricultural Show in Co. Donegal, sheep shearing competitions will take...
How to test the quality of colostrum using a Brix Refractometer and top tips on stomach tubing a calf colostrum.
Rural Life
A tiny calf, weighing just 4.5kg, was born in the US in recent days, appropriately named “Lil’ Bill” by the...
Rural Life
A farmer in Co. Sligo claims to be the proud owner of the world’s smallest cow, which has just given birth...
A Holstein heifer calf recently sold for $251,000 (€177,500) at an auction in Australia, breaking the previous national record. The two-month-old...
Rural Life
A group of cyclists in Spain stopped in the middle of their journey to help some farmers with a cow who...
The Irish Cattle Breeding Federation (ICBF) is asking farmers to report calves born with genetic defects in order to identify...
A Sinn Féin County Councillor has said the re-occurrence of dumped cattle carcasses in north Louth has left the farming...
The Teagasc/AHI Calfcare events begin this week and each the events will focus on four topics related to calf rearing....
Agri Politics
A Hereford calf in New Zealand had a lucky escape recently after she fell into an underground water course. Farmer...
The current humid conditions are predisposing young calves to higher than normal levels of respiratory- related health problems, according to...
Agri Politics
A Holstein calf in the US believes that he is a dog and can even be found sitting comfortably on...