Rural Life
Report: Farmers need to have 'faith' in Agriculture Appeals Review Panel
It it of the “utmost importance” that farmers are represented on the Agriculture Appeals Review Panel so that they can...
Rural Life
It it of the “utmost importance” that farmers are represented on the Agriculture Appeals Review Panel so that they can...
CAP / Schemes
The independent Agriculture Appeals Office has launched an online facility to allow farmers to submit appeals in a more accessible...
Farmers submitted more appeals over the Beef Exceptional Aid Measure (BEAM) and the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) last year than...
The average length of time it took to resolve a complaint to the Agriculture Appeals Office in 2021 was 185...
A significant increase was recorded in 2020 and 2021 in the number of agri-scheme appeals made by farmers dissatisfied with...
CAP / Schemes
A farmer successfully appealed a decision by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine in relation to an exclusion...
CAP / Schemes
A farmer who initially received no 2019 Areas of Natural Constraints (ANC) Scheme payments due to a box-ticking mishap successfully...
CAP / Schemes
A farmer successfully appealed a decision by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine in relation to the exclusion...
CAP / Schemes
The 2020 Annual Report of the Agricultural Appeals office noted that some 760 appeals were received last year – but...
CAP / Schemes
Appeals submitted by farmers to the Office of Agricultural Appeals were up by 33% last year – with approximately half...
Agri Politics
Efforts are underway to establish an Agricultural Appeals Review Panel, which will include farmer representation as part of the reform...
CAP / Schemes
A farmer avoided a clawback by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine of all Green Low-Carbon Agri-Environment Scheme (GLAS) monies...
CAP / Schemes
A farmer who had a Green, Low-Carbon, Agri-Environment Scheme (GLAS) application rejected by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the...
CAP / Schemes
A farmer who did not receive Areas of Natural Constraint Scheme (ANC) payments from the Department of Agriculture, Food and...
CAP / Schemes
A penalty which had been imposed on a farmer for breaching nitrates regulations by allegedly exceeding the permitted limit of...
CAP / Schemes
The Green, Low-Carbon, Agri-Environment Scheme (GLAS) accounted for the lion’s share of the agricultural appeals made last year, according to the...
CAP / Schemes
A farmer who appealed against a decision by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine regarding eligibility for payment...
CAP / Schemes
The highest number of agricultural scheme appeal cases taken in 2017 were in relation to the Beef Data and Genomics Programme...