Delegates at today’s SHEEP 2018 event in Teagasc Athenry heard that lime is key for maintaining soil fertility and grass production. Despite this, 65% of all Irish soils are deficient in this nutrient.

Teagasc’s Mark Plunkett – a soil and plant nutrition specialist – highlighted the benefits that can be achieved by using lime to bring the soil pH up to the target of 6.3-6.5 on mineral soils.

It’s the most underutilised and the most cost-effective nutrient in Ireland. It costs approximately €20-25/t and farmers can increase grass production massively just by getting the pH right.

Research from Moorepark and Johnstown Castle indicates that by increasing soil pH from 5.2 to 6.4 – and using only lime – an average grass production response of 1t/ha was achieved. This is worth €105/t.

Benefits of correcting soil pH through liming:
  • Release of soil nitrogen (N) for early grass growth (up to 80kg/ha/year);
  • Increase the availability of soil phosphorous (P) and potassium (K);
  • Grow an extra 1.5t/ha (dry matter) of grass annually;
  • Return on a €100 investment in lime is at least €600 in extra forage.

Lime can be spread at anytime throughout the year and livestock can graze pastures once it has been washed off the herbage.