Here at Agriland we are constantly developing our offerings to the farmers of Ireland. Today we are delighted to announce our latest feature, the Agriland Factory Price Toolkit.

This innovative development will provide farmers with valuable information on beef prices, how prices vary across factories as well as historical information.

Factory Prices Dashboard

The factory prices dashboard provides you with an overview of the market prices for heifers, steers, cows, bulls and young bulls, as well as the weekly kill.

All of these figures are provided by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and are updated weekly.

The charts plot the historical national average base price for each animal, over the last 12 weeks.

Irish Factory Prices

The factory price dashboard gives you a quick overview of prices for all animals in any given week

Detailed information on animal factory prices

From the dashboard, you can choose an animal type in order to delve deeper into the pricing information.

From here, you can view the prices paid by all the reporting factories. You can also adjust the tool to see the exact prices, based on the animals’ Conformation Grade and Fat Score.

Heifer Factory Prices

You can see how prices compare across factories

The tool will automatically generate a chart, highlighting the highest and lowest paying factories, as well as the national average price.

Historical factory prices

You can also see how the prices paid have varied overtime, with the last 12 weeks of historical information available.


Look at historical price information for a particular Conformation Grade and Fat Score

Beef Price Calculator tool

Our brand new Beef Price Calculator is sure to be of help to every farmer. This one-of-a-kind tool allows you to calculate the factory price of all your animals, based on the most recently-reported prices.

You can input as many animal types as you like, as well as the number of animals along with the Conformation Grade and Fat Score.

Farmers can also clarify whether or not the animals qualify for the Quality Assured Bonus.


Input your animals into our Beef Price Calculator

Once you have inputted your information, you can choose to calculate the value of your animals based on the national average or with the prices of a factory of your choice.


A clear table of results explains the price for each animal and the total value

The tool will then present you with a breakdown of the prices paid for each of the animals and the total value of all your animals.

Factory Prices In Your Pocket

Like all developments here at Agriland, we have made sure that our Factory Price Tools are available across Desktop, Tablet and Mobile devices as well, so you can access our tools no matter where you are.


We hope you find our Factory Price Toolkit helpful. Expect to see new features and additions rolling out in the near future. Launch Factory Price Tools