The new European Parliament “must prioritise its own farmers” and ensure the viability of local beef producers, the beef chair of the Irish Cattle and Sheep Farmers’ Association (ICSA), John Cleary has said.
Cleary said he is “appalled that the EU seems to favour importing large volumes of beef from South America rather than incentivising European farmers to address any production shortfalls”.
His comments follow a recent outlook report from the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) which noted that EU beef imports “are set to grow by 2% in 2024, driven by Brazil”.
This projected growth in imports “poses a serious threat to the Irish beef farming sector”, he said. The AHDB report also outlined that EU beef production decreased by 3.9% in 2023 and a further 2.3% in 2024.
EU beef farmers
Cleary said that while this reduced production has “somewhat supported better prices for farmers, easing the pressures from increased costs over the last twenty-four months, the situation remains precarious”.
“Ireland exports €2.7 billion worth of beef annually, and for the EU to gradually erode and undermine our industry while our own government stands idly by is beyond comprehension.
“Irish farmers adhere to stringent environmental and animal welfare standards, ensuring top-quality beef production. However, this commitment comes at a significant cost.
“For Irish farmers to remain viable, consumer demand for our beef is crucial. Competing with products produced at nearly half our costs is the last thing we need,” Cleary said.
The ICSA beef chair added that Irish beef farmers will expect all Irish MEPs to be “resolute in their opposition” to the Mercosur trade deal as they assume their positions in Brussels.
The trade agreement would allow the Mercosur countries of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay to export an additional 99,000t of beef tariff free to the EU.
However, negotiations on the deal continue to ensure further sustainability limits as part of the deal. It is expected that movement and decisions may be seen this month.