France’s ecotax is postponed to January 2014. It was confirmed following a meeting between the Minister of Transport and Ecomouv, the company mandated to collect the ecotax this week.
According to French national newspaper Le Figaro, only 10,000 trucks have been kitted out with the new ecotax ‘boxes’ to-date due to strong resistance from logistics service providers and their customers.
The French Government had expected that 100,000-120,000 trucks should have been equipped by end August, it observed.
The new tax was set for 1 October this year and it is applicable to all good vehicles over 3.5 tones using free motorways, national highways and some local roads in France.
Speaking from Paris last week, Bord Bia‘s Noreen Lanigan said the new tax when introduced will have huge implications for Ireland’s export market in terms of the increased cost of logistics but that Ireland will not be at a disadvantage as the tax affects all countries.