Farmers Francis Nolan and John Roche speak about the benefits they have seen since installing the FarmGen Solar Power Bundle.

Damien Sutton, FarmGen programme manager, also talks about how the solar product offering can improve efficiency to your farm and home.

Case Study 1: Francis Nolan

In 2019, Kilkenny dairy farmer Francis Nolan installed a FarmGen Solar Power Bundle on his dairy farm. Energy efficiency was a key influencer for Francis’ decision, with a view to reducing his long-term energy costs and his farm’s carbon footprint.

Francis said: “As a Glanbia Ireland milk supplier, it was a no brainer for me. I can now produce the energy that I need from the top of my shed. FarmGen solar panels are a really good option for farmers. They’re maintenance free and produce free energy once the initial cost is paid for.”

FarmGen benefits

Since installing the FarmGen Solar Power Bundle, Francis said: “When I look at the figures, 20% of my energy usage is now coming from Solar PV.

“In addition, I have gained further savings from the preferential rates on 100% green energy from SSE Airtricity.”

SMART Monitoring

The SMART Monitoring system installed as part of the FarmGen Solar Power Bundle gives Francis the ability to closely monitor energy usage on the farm and identify where there is waste.

“The SMART Monitoring system has allowed me to closely examine how much energy that I use across the farm on activities such as water heating, milk cooling and energy generation,” he said.

It allows me to identify where I can change behaviours that will drive further efficiencies across my business.

Francis believes that the FarmGen Solar Power Bundle is an investment that will continue to yield many positive benefits going forward.

“In the back of your head you think that what you do now will be there for my family going forward. You’re always looking forward, looking to improve. The FarmGen Solar Power Bundle is a really good option to drive efficiencies inside the gate.”

The FarmGen Solar Power Bundle comes with a 25-year performance warranty as standard.

Case Study 2: John Roche

John Roche, from Co. Carlow, initially installed a solar energy solution in his home nine months ago. Upon seeing the positive benefits, John also installed the FarmGen Solar Power Bundle on his farm three months ago.

FarmGen programme explaining performance of the system

FarmGen journey

Damien and John looked at John’s energy usage and times of usage to determine the system that would work best for John whilst delivering the best economic return. The team at FarmGen handled all of the paperwork, offering a turnkey solution.

Damien said: “We discussed how both the FarmGen Solar Power Bundle and a domestic solar PV system could really benefit John’s home and farming energy requirements.”

After installing the system in his home, John immediately saw the benefits that it had to offer and looked forward to rolling this out on the farm.

John said: “I couldn’t believe the performance of the system and how aware it made me of my energy usage and look forward to reaping the financial benefits in the future. Knowing my energy requirement of the farm was considerably higher than my personal use in the home, I really wanted to see the results.”

Post grant approval, an engineer from Activ8 Solar Energies called to the farm to arrange and agree the installation process with John.

John said: “Two weeks after the engineer site visit, the installation team arrived on farm and installed the system in one day, while not disrupting my daily working routine.

For me, one of the key decisions for investing in a FarmGen system was the fact that both Glanbia Ireland and Activ8 Solar Energies are well established companies that are market leaders in delivering innovative solutions and technologies for farmers.

“The bundle offering including a turnkey solution of installation, grant administration and the finance package being offered, made real sense for me and my farming system.”

FarmGen Programme Manager: Damien Sutton

Commenting on the success and growth of FarmGen, Damien said: “FarmGen has been very well received by Glanbia Ireland suppliers and customers.

“It offers customers a real solution to maximise energy efficiencies and reduce the cost to the farmer. Our customers feel a real sense of security when they are dealing with long established and well-respected organisations in Glanbia Ireland, SSE Airtricity and Activ8 Solar Energies.

“We interact with our customers regularly, cementing our strong relationships. A lot of enquiries are now as a result of hearing how well FarmGen systems have worked for our existing customers.

Glanbia Ireland farmers who wish to register their interest for this product can phone: 1890-928-889; or visit:

What is the FarmGen Solar Power Bundle?

Launched by Glanbia Ireland in 2019, in partnership with SSE Airtricity and Activ8 Solar Energies, FarmGen is an innovative solar energy solution exclusively for Glanbia Ireland farmers.

The Solar Power Bundle offers a turn-key solution for farmers and equips them with technology designed to help grow their business sustainably into the future, while also improving energy efficiency on farm.

Some key benefits of the FarmGen Solar Power Bundle offers include:

Solar PV installation

Watch programme manager Damien Sutton below.

SMART monitoring

Watch the SMART monitoring system installed below.

Preferential rates on 100%* green energy

Watch the FarmGen preferential rates below.

*100% green energy based on Fuel Mix Disclosure and Co2 Emissions for 2019 published by the Commission for Regulation of Utilities, September 2020. For more information visit:

Fully funded solution

Watch FundEquip funding solution for Glanbia Ireland farmers below.

Express your interest in FarmGen today

The solar power bundle is suitable for all farming sectors and sizes, with bespoke packages available on request.

There are also options available for Glanbia Ireland customers who wish to install Solar PV in their homes to harness the power of green energy.

Glanbia Ireland farmers who wish to register their interest for this product can phone: 1890-928-889; or visit: