The second episode of ‘The Calf Show’ series is now live to view on AgriLand’s YouTube channel and across social media platforms.

In this programme, the topics up for discussion are focusing on calf feeding and maintaining hygiene during the rearing stage.

This evening’s panel will include Rebecca O’Sullivan from Volac, James Fitzgerald from Teagasc and Irvine Allen, a Teagasc Green Acres Calf to Beef participant.

‘The Calf Show Series’ is being run as part of the Green Acres Calf To Beef Programme with Teagasc and AgriLand – and hosts a series of programmes presented by AgriLand beef specialist Michael Carey.

Feeding milk replacer and maintaining hygiene

Throughout the discussion, Rebecca O’Sullivan will speak about the ingredients that farmers need to be keeping an eye out for in their milk replacers this spring – while also giving some guidance on the values of milk replacer products.

Irvine Allen gives a detailed run through feeding milk replacer to calves on his farm along with some of the practices he follows when it comes to the upkeeping of hygiene on his farm.

James Fitzgerald provides us with his experience of advising farmers to maintain good hygiene and health standards during calf rearing on Teagasc Green Acres farms.