Quality Assurance Scheme

The Bord Bia Beef Quality Assurance Scheme is a scheme involving both the producer and the processing plant working in partnership. The end goal is to provide the customer with a quality assured product.

The scheme sets out standards for production, processing and the final dispatch of the product in order to meet the standards.The Scheme was accredited under EN45011 in 2004.

What animals qualify for Bord Bia Quality Assurance?

In order for an animal to qualify for the Quality Assurance bonus, the animal most be under 30 months of age when slaughtered. The animal must also have a conformation score of any of the following

U+, U=, U-, R+, R=. R-, O+,O=, O-

And a fat score of any of the following

2+,3-, 3=, 3+, 4-, 4=

Animals which fit these requirements and are deemed eligible will receive a 14c per kilo bonus

In order to qualify for this bonus, you must also be using a Bord Bia Quality Assured Processor as well as being registered with Bord Bia under the scheme