Kildalton College is holding an open day today for prospective students. The college is situated in the village of Piltown, Co Kilkenny in the Suir valley.

Kildalton is the largest agricultural college in the country and, according to Teagasc, it is a leading provider of training in equine studies, machinery, agriculture and horticulture.

Teagasc has also developed close links between the college and the local Institute of Technology in Waterford (WIT) to make it a progressive learning facility in the South East. Over 500 students are currently registered on courses at Kildalton College.

Click below to view the courses on offer at Kildalton:



Agriculture Courses

These further level courses are suitable for people who wish to make a career in agriculture but who do not wish to complete a higher level course. FETAC accredited courses are suitable for future farmers and for people seeking employment on farms.

Certificate in Agriculture – FETAC Level 5

Advanced            Certificate in Dairy Herd Management – FETAC Level 6

Advanced Certificate in Drystock Management – FETAC Level 6

Advanced Certificate in Machinery and Crop Management – FETAC Level 6

The higher level courses accredited by HETAC courses are conducted jointly with various Institutes of Technology. These courses provide the education and training needed by future farmers and skilled workers in the agri industry.

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture – HETAC Level 7

Batchelor of Science in Agricultural Science – HETAC Level 7

BSc in Land Management in Agriculture/Forestry/Horticulture – HETAC Level 8


Horticulture Courses

Certificate in Horticulture – FETAC Level 5

Advanced Certificate in Horticulture – FETAC Level 6

Bachelor of Science in Horticulture – HETAC Level 7

BSc in Land Management in Agriculture/Forestry/Horticulture – HETAC Level 8 plants

Equine Courses

Certificate in Horsemanship (Equitation or Stud Management) – FETAC Level 5

Advanced Certificate in Horsemanship – FETAC Level 6

Advanced Certificate in Equine Breeding (Stud Management) – FETAC Level 6

 Forestry Courses

Bachelor of Science in Forestry – HETAC Level 7


In terms of facilities the Kildalton College farm enterprises are a vital resource for student training, skills development and skills proficiency testing. Teagasc also says that the farm enterprises are a major resource for adult education and industry training courses. The units are also used as monitor farms providing performance and financial information for open days and farm walks.

Kildalton College also says it has some of the most up-to-date facilities for teaching in the country. In September 2009, a new wing to Kildalton College was officially opened by the Minister for Agriculture, Brendan Smith. Educational facilities now include numerous spacious class rooms, two science labs, 4 computer rooms, design studio, auditorium and student recreation facilities with WiFi.

Click Below to see more details on the Kildalton Farm

College Farm & Horticultural Enterprises

Dairy Herd

Kildalton College has a 100 cow spring calving herd. A modern dairy shed and milking parlour has just been completed. The herd allows students to experience a low input grass based milk production system.

Suckler Herd

The herd is made up of 45 continental cross suckler cows plus replacements. All progeny are reared to beef. The aim is to maximise liveweight gain off grass and minimise winter feed costs. The Kildalton College suckler herd has one of the highest E.B.I. in Ireland.

Dairy Calf to Beef

25 male animals are finished at two years of age. The system demonstrates The system demonstrates key performance targets for a dairy beef system.

Sheep Flock

200 ewes. 100 ewes are bred for early lamb and 100 for mid-season production. A mixed grazing system is practiced with the suckler herd.


Over 40 riding horses are maintained at the college stables for use by equine students.

Arable Crops

Kildalton College is located in the primary tillage growing area of the country. Crops at Kildalton are grown for commercial purposes, skills training and variety trials. Tillage crops normally include winter wheat, spring wheat, spring barley, winter oats, oilseed rape, maize and potatoes. Bio-energy crops such as willow and miscanthus are also grown.

Farm Machinery

Students get hands on training with a modern fleet of machinery and equipment. There has been strong interest in the Advanced Certificate in Machinery and Arable Crops at Kildalton College in recent years.

Horticultural Units

The college horticultural crops, nursery stock and sports turf facilities provide practical training and skills demonstrations for horticultural students. These facilities also provide a focus for short courses, open days and seminars for commercial producers. Enterprises include – apple orchards, soft fruit (raspberries, blackcurrants, strawberries under cover) and vegetable crops. There is an extensive wholesale nursery which produces a wide range of trees and shrubs. Sports turf facilities have been developed to train students in sport turf management.